G-page is the page that gives you all the information you need to know about a product.
G-pages are very specific to a product. If you find by barcode or scan it, if that barcode is in our database, you would land on the exact page for that product.
Also, you can find the lowest prices online for a specific product.
Gfects gives you images, videos, how to use, features, spec's, and reviews on our G-pages.
You can save a product to a list for later.
Find the right information about a product by scanning the Gfects QR code, barcode, or by even searching for the products by name or barcode number.
What would you like to do?
G-Page a web and app page for your product, it is a web service that we offer which businesses can use to publish information about their products. A G-page is a page of Gfects' many pages. It is one G-page per product.
A G-page is loaded with features, they include product;
- Images
- Videos
- Features
- Specs
- How to use
- Buy links
- Reviews
- And more to come.
Creating a G-Page is easy, first, create an account if you do not already have one, fill in the details about your product, download your new Gfects Qr code, print it, test it, when it tests out ok, then publish your page. Add the QR code to your product's packaging design or paste labels with your printed Gfects QR code on your product packing.
Publishers sorry verified manufacturers and agencies have priority over barcodes and product names in scans and searches.