The G-tos app
We will be releasing an update to the G-tos app shortly, with NFC writing functionality.
The app will be able to write basic NFC tags, what we call data tags, for;
- Contact tag
- Web link tag
- WiFi tag
- Bluetooth tag
- Email tag
- SMS tag
- Phone Number tag
- Geotag
- App launcher tag
- Plain text tag
Reading of the basic functions will be cross-platform compatible, but may have limited functionality on iOS.
You will also be able to format writable NFC tags with the app.
For the ‘NFC tasks writing’, the app will write tag to toggle the following functions
Single functions
- Mute / Silent mode
- Set volume
- Location
- Light
- Wifi
- Airplane mode
- Mobile data
- Brightness
- Bluetooth
Multi Functions
- At work
- At home
- At school
- In Car
- And more.
You give the task a title and then add which tasks it will perform.
You can set the tag to perform the task for a specific phone’s use only.
Also, the written tasks will be cross-app compatible. We will be coding them to be written in a readable format so that other developers can implement a form of compatibility in their app to be able to read the G-tos app written task and vice-versa.
Send us contact us about any issue you encounter.